Tuesday, August 27, 2019


I am taking Kim Klassen's wonderful photography course "A Month Of Multiples" and it is really forcing me out of my comfort zone.  I am relatively new to taking serious photos - started with still life in January and then 2 months ago I bought my Nikon D750. I only shot still life indoors so outside light and everything that goes with it is all new to me.  I am learning a lot but it is at times overwhelming.  Besides deciding on what I want to photo I need to know how.  I am beginning to learn about my camera but it is a struggle.  I shot my still life in "A" but I am really giving "M" manual a try  - but to be honest I do go back to "A" aperture priority a lot.  

What we are striving for in the class is multiple shots of a single spot.  The theme of the first module is "The world around you".  Lots of pics from different angles, distances, with different look -like blur or no blur.  The four photos above I shot in the drainage area of our community. I had to climb over a fence and down into the drainage area.  I saw the purple weeds on my AM walk and thought it would make for some nice photos.  

The first two pics are an overview of the space and second two a more close up of the purple flowers.  I tried to get closer with each shot. I took a lot of photos and have a lot more to process in LR.

I am enjoying the class and I hope to get a lot out of it - I have already -  and I hope to improve my knowledge of my camera and take better pics.

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